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replace part of string

8 - Asteroid

Hi Guys,


So i have a few columns like 2021 D Jan P $ , 2021 D Feb P $. These are all double fields having number values. I want to be able to replace the headers from 2021 D Jan P$ to  S_Jan X $ , So basically relpace specific characs.

12 - Quasar

Hello @SouravKayal ,


more thank way to do this. Please have a look at the attached workflow.


If it is one column you are after then use the top flow. If many then use the bottom one where it uses a sort of mapping table to drive the replacement.


I hope it helps.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

How about a Dynamic Rename Tool?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

as @Qiu says, you can rename columns with a dynamic rename tool.


Additionally - you can transpose the data into name-value pairs; change the column names using a regular old formula tool; and then use the cross-tab tool to return this from rows to columns.    This method is VERY helpful if you have a variable number of columns (like rolling months for transaction data)
