hi there!
im trying to remove all these dates (highlighted in yellow) from the description into another column while leaving the other details behind.
however, due to the inconsistent format of the dates in the other cells, i cant seem to find a way to extract all at once.
please help :(
I see that you tagged this as Designer Cloud - are you sure you’re in the right place? Some functions/tools may be different between Cloud and on-prem Designer.
I’m on my phone right now, but what you can do - as a high level solution - is to use REGEX match to map out what dates are there.
You can also use REGEX Replace after you match them to rid them from your data.
I don’t know if this works but give this Regex a shot:
(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|((Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \d{1,2}, \d{4})
Use the replace function in the Regex tool and replace it with a blank or null()
From there, you can use a Data Cleansing tool to rid it of trailing white space / nulls / general white space.
Try the below in the RegEx tool. And a Formula Tool after it.
if IsEmpty([Date1]) then [Date2] else [Date1] endif
@ChloeW One way of doing this