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join and Mapping ratio multiple to one then join again?

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Community!


I have a challenging with Join and Mapping, I hope you can shed some lights on how I can accomplishing this..


I have two different files (A and B), file A have 8 fields, they are numeric. File B have to fields (1 and 2). I need to join both files together, but mapping all 8 fields from File A to File B to field 1 to get a field 2 value for each of the fields in File A.


File 1

Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8


File 2

Group NameIDDescription
Group 21000This is a test 1
Group 22000This is a test 2
Group 24000This is a test 3
Group 33000This is a test 4
Group 45000This is a test 5
Group 46000This is a test 6
Group 57000This is a test 7
Group 68000This is a test 8
Group 7 This is a test 9
Group 8 This is a test 10



Expected Result

Group 2Group 2 DescriptionGroup 3Group 3 DescriptionGroup 4Group 4 DescriptionGroup 5Group 5 DescriptionGroup 6Group 6 DescriptionGroup 7Group 8
1000This is a test 1          
2000This is a test 2          
4000This is a test 33000This is a test 4        
    5000This is a test 5      
    6000This is a test 67000This is a test 7    
        8000This is a test 8  



I attempted to try below method, but ended up with million of rows




Greatly appreciate if you have an input how I can accomplish this.



Thank you!

16 - Nebula

Hi @rockeylearning 


See if this is it:

Screenshot 2023-08-23 140458.png

8 - Asteroid

@Felipe_Ribeir0 Thank you, this help, it does output the columns I needed. Though, question, when put this together with the real data, original data I have around 200K row, when ran the workflow, it returned 600K, why does it output that many rows if the mapping is consistent with the ID/name?


Thanks again

16 - Nebula

Hi @rockeylearning 


Its hard to guess without seeing the data, but i would say for you to take a look at the J anchor of the JOIN, and see if its there that you are getting 600k rows. If it is, you have duplicated Group Name/Id's combinations inside of your dataset. Find them and think about what you need to do with it - maybe remove duplicates, maybe keep it as it is, etc.

16 - Nebula

Just add the sort tool to it to achieve the desired result 
(to make it into waterfall look)
