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how to get Output based on Filter condition




 I am using 2 files. one is past years data and another one is current month data. If the month is Jan means, output should come as last year(2021) ( jan to dec ) data has to come .. or else for any other month current month data should come.


Any idea how to achieve this




Not sure I understood the question. 


Here's an example of how you might export to different Sheets in the same excel file base on a particular field value.





I will explain my issue or question.


I have total 2 input source. and one output source. all are csv formats


One input source has historical data. like 2010 to 2021 and other input has current month data.


I need to have one filter condition that will give output in same source(same sheet) based on filter condition


Filter condition is, if month is JAN , output has to show last year complete records from Jan to Dec or else for any month current month data should be there in output

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Karthick461 


Here is how you can do it. Filtering is dynamic based on current month data. Let me know If this works.




Hope this helps : )


Thanks for the WF @atcodedog05 


You have taken current month data as 01/01/2022 . So the month is Jan. That is my actual input.


But I am getting output as 2022 Jan and previous year data(2021) in output . But my actual requirement is If my current input month is Jan, I need only last year data. not current month ( Jan ) data. 

Once I get Feb 2022 in my current month , I need to show only feb 2022 output , not previous year data.


Any help on that please




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Karthick461 


But I am getting output as 2022 Jan and previous year data(2021) in output . But my actual requirement is If my current input month is Jan, I need only last year data. not current month ( Jan ) data. 

This point is implemented in the new workflow.


Once I get Feb 2022 in my current month , I need to show only feb 2022 output , not previous year data.

This I didn't understand.


Hope this helps : )


Hi @atcodedog05 ,


 My First Requirement is perfectly working for Jan Month.

 My 2nd and last requirement is for other months except Jan.

 In your Workflow , I have changed the current month as Feb 2021 . Updated historical data last date as 12/31/2020 for testing.



 But I am getting again 2020 records as output. Actually I need output as 2021 Feb month




For Jan alone, I need previous year data. Other all months current year data is required.


Sorry to bother you a lot.




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Karthick461 


Here is the updated workflow. I am guessing one more correction is required please check and let me know.


Hope this helps : )


Hi @Karthick461, here is my take on this. I made two scenarios within the same workflow, the filter condition is the same on both, just the starting data that is different. 


Still Other Month Issue is there @atcodedog05 .


Attached the WF. choosed 2021-03-01 and [Date] <= "2021-03-31" as Current Month . When i run the flow, Output is 0.

Since this month is March, I need to show output as March dates alone. like 2021-03-01 to 2021-03-01.


If I choose Jan month as current data, it is perfectly working . Shows entire last year data


Issue is with Other Months only
