Dear alteryx team,
we keep having "run workflow error " when executing workflow, we aready try to clear cache , reinstalling,checking compatibility mode(screenshot attached) but error happen again after couple of weeks . this happened on 2 user
the alteryx version is
version desktop 1: 2023.2.1.89 patch :2
version desktop 2 : 2023.2.1.51 patch : 1
kindly advice to solve this issue
I don't understand why your flows are being executed in these folders and with addresses like they were downloaded from the server
@geraldo hi geraldo , i'm not sure about this this is just simply executing from local desktop . i just added 2nd user screenshot error because this error happened in 2 user
yes we have. just to make this clear this error only happened after liek 1 or 2 weeks fresh installation we tried re installing as well from this link
but still error happend again
This seems like Designer cannot either find or reach AlteryxEngineCmd.exe
I renamed it on my PC I got the same error:
"Error: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: AlteryxProcessManager: Error executing AlteryxCmd
CommandLine: "D:\Alteryx 23.1\bin\AlteryxEngineCmd.exe" /Binary \\.\pipe\499b073b-04e3-4585-896b-b18c2189ca97_In \\.\pipe\499b073b-04e3-4585-896b-b18c2189ca97_Out
Windows Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (2)"
and after you rename back to the original does the error still happening?
Hi, @wildandsi
Are you running the AlteryxEngineCmd.exe from run command tool or event ? If so , please upload the screenshot of the set.
not from command but event just designer desktop as usual
Can you upload the screenshot of event?