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control parameter is not mapped error

5 - Atom

hi, i am having some problems with my alteryx workflow.


i have a batch macro within a standard macro, and all fields are mapped accordingly. However, when i try to run the overall macro with a test input, i get an error message 'The configuration is not valid:  missing ControlParams field mapping.' this error does not show if i run the workflow within the standard macro and the batch macro.


i have checked my field map and all fields are mapped accordingly. i also tried to turn off field map but that did not make a difference.


has anyone else encountered this issue before? how did you solve it?

thanks so much!


19 - Altair

a batch macro needs a value fed into the control parameter - SPECIAL BATCH MACRO INPUT. It's further up on the macro than the standard input and you must map one field per control parameter. Please post a screenshot of your workflow. If the error persists- past a screenshot  of your macro - and your action tools/control parameters.

9 - Comet

If you can share the workflow with dummy data, that will be quickest to give you an answer if not, can you post a screenshot of -

1. the inside of standard macro where you are using batch macro

2. configuration mapping of batch macro.

3. the test data that you are passing.

4. If you batch macro has any action tool attached, screen shot of that as well.


Looks like when you are running the standard macro, your batch macro is losing the column reference that was configured initially.

5 - Atom

hi, here is my current workflow, not sure if it helps 

19 - Altair

I think your error is actually how you are setting up your filter column selection - and not relating to that specific tool. Turn off Amp on the workflow/macro/macro and you'll start seeing errors relating to your control parameter mapping. 


My strong suggestion would be to rearchitect this so that your first and second sort fields flow from your drop down to text input box - this text input box is appended after your summarize tool. You then feed all of this into your inner batch macro using a standard field mapping vs the control params mapping currently there. 


I've built a lot of batch macros - and I've done some interesting things - but I've never had it set it up like you have yours set up...

9 - Comet



The error you are getting is because of drop downs




These drop downs have no actually benefit, since these are used to update the control parameters column selection (however please note that even then you must update it as below)





Why I say these are not of much use is because your control parameter values are mapped to output of Summarize tool, so the columns selected there becomes fixed as these are not going to change and you always need to select the same columns.


However, just changing the replace a specific string as shown in pic below should fix your error. Please note i also made change in the summarize tool > renamed Account No to GL Account no, since drop down selection was not able to match the column name from summarize output.









5 - Atom

hi, thanks so much for your comprehensive explanation! i used your method and it worked. this is my first time using alteryx so i definitely need to get used to how it works, but thanks so much for your help!
