I have a massive workflow I inherited that writes to tde files for use on the tableau server. I would prefer to use the Publish to Tableau Server tool. However, this is what I'm encountering:
Within the workflow, where there is a .tde output, I have added a Publish to Tableau tool. So, the exact same data is flowing into that as the .tde file.
But, when I change the data source in Tableau to use the server, the fields break. Half of the fields immediately become red, maybe because of field name changes that were performed within Tableau (speculation, as I inherited the workbook as well).
If the data is feeding into both the .tde output and the Publish to Tableau tool exactly the same, why can't I just swap the data source and keep everything intact?
Tableau desktop will make changes to field names and types depending on which version you have. So, if it was originally developed in an older version, this can cause issues when modifying in a newer version.