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Verify if the Download from URL List is Successful or Not

8 - Asteroid



This is in continuation of my previous thread here -


I need to add some mechanism into the workflow by which it will actually tell me if the files from the list of URL has been successfully downloaded or not, so that I do not have to manually go through the download folder and check and verify all the files to find out which particular dates data is missing.


Because I have to download 10+ different files from different URL on a daily basis, so manual verification is not an option. I need some method which will give date wise report for each of those separate 10+ file URL's. that these xx files were downloaded successfully and these yy files were not downloaded successfully.


Can someone please help in this? Which are the Alteryx tools which will help in solving this problem or verifying if the URL files have been successfully downloaded or not?


Thanks a lot

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @StockMarket ,


Given that you have the URLS and the folders in which you are downloading the data I think the most simple solution would be to use the directory tool and check with the urls with the downloaded data using a join for example.


Therefore, if you have an URL but not a file on the folder to be found this data will not appear on the join, but on the left or right (depending on how you connect the tools)



8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the inputs @afv2688 


Are there no inbuilt tools available in Alteryx which can VERIFY if a particular file download has happened successfully or not? Maybe some trick of looking for the 404 File Not Found type of Error or something?


If no direct solution is available, then I will have to somehow use some indirect method, as you have suggested.


Any more ways of achieving this in a workflow, anyone ? And if some example workflow is available, then that would be great.


Thanks and Regards

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @StockMarket ,


you can do it for sure with the download tool:




In this example I'm using your URL, one fake and one real.


