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Using the email tool in designer

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, I am currently exploring the Email Tool but have a question. Is there a way I can attach the cleansed copy of my data as an email attachment in the same workflow?

16 - Nebula

Hi @K_tina 


Yes, with the block until done you can create the output file and after it, attach it to the email:






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @K_tina,


You can achieve this using the Block Until Done Tool. The idea is to have Alteryx generate the output first, then use that output as your email attachment. Here is a sample of how this can be done.


Hope this helps!




6 - Meteoroid

If I use this to send to a email group (i have a preset list of email addresses set up) will the workflow still work the same? 

17 - Castor

Hi @K_tina 


Yes, as you are going to use the same email tool which contains the group of email address which needs to be delivered.


Many thanks

Shanker V

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @K_tina, if you are referring to shared mailboxes, simply indicating the email address of the shared mailbox will give you the same result. If you are looking to send to a list of email addresses, you are able to include multiple email addresses in the "To" box, split by commas.

17 - Castor

Hi @K_tina 


As explained by @Adrian_T you are adding the Block until done tool to make specific set of activity to complete 1st and then move to 2nd one.


Hence you are saving the output in the first.

Then the same output is added as an attachment in the Email tool.


Where your already created group of emails will be not modified, you need to add the attachment only.


Many thanks

Shanker V

16 - Nebula

Hi @K_tina 


An outlook group mail that contains some different users inside of it? I am not sure about it to be honest, never tried and maybe it depends on how your IT configured the environment and if you gonna use your machine or the server to do it. The surface of the problem is simple, but you need to check out if it will be simple inside your environment. The best way to see if it gonna work is by testing it and seeing what happens i guess 😅


6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for the detailed explanation and screenshot in your earlier answer but I am NOT looking to send to 1 shared mailbox, I need to send it to a group of people (e.g. 1 department of people) that I have already created a group for. But if it doesnt work I will use the list method of splitting with commas as I need to get it out ASAP this month. 

6 - Meteoroid

Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to do. IT was not too sure and couldn't give me a clear answer. I may have to use the list method as it's urgent. 


I will probably do a test using group emails next quarter. 
