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Using Union to Create New Column with Standard Value

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I feel as though this should be really simple but I'm struggling so hopefully someone can help!


I have two threads in my workflow - one is preparing a data set from one input file (let's call this thread A) and one is calculating a total from another input file (let's call this thread B).


I wish to add a column at the end of A which equals the total calculated in B for every row in A.


I have tried using the Union Tool and this creates the extra column in A but does not pull through the value from B, rather it pulls through 'Null'.


If this was a fixed value I could use the Formula Tool to create a new column, but unfortunately it needs to be repeatable based on the data in thread B.


Hopefully this makes sense!



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



If you have a column to add to thread A, here are your options:

  1. JOIN on key values  (deselect duplicate fields)
  2. JOIN on record position (the order is very important as the records are joined FIFO)
  3. APPEND Fields will add a single value to all records

With your final requirement statement, I feel that a JOIN is called for.




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