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Use of Download Tool to download file from a website

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

Hi everyone,


I am trying to use the Download Tool in Alteryx to download a file from a public website.   Here is the URL for the website:


Texas HHSC OIG > Exclusions - Download Exclusions File (


When you click on the link to go to this website, you will see two options set up as hyperlinks: one to download the file as a text (CSV file) and the other to download the file as an Excel file.  


I have tried clicking on both links to get the specific URL of where the files are stored at, but this does not appear to be the correct approach. 


Can anyone help me configure the Download Tool so I will be able to download the Excel option right into my workflow?


Thanks in advance for your help!



13 - Pulsar

That link isn't working for me, is it the link to the page or directly to the file?

11 - Bolide

I also can't access that link. Maybe you have to be in the US, or on a whitelisted domain? 


Is this the same data but national?

That data seems like it's been stripped which is not a bad thing considering how private it would be. If that is the information, then your input to the download tool would be:



19 - Altair

This link works for me - but man this is an archaic site. You'd have to explore the javascript objects in your browser to get the links. A) they need and API b) they need are still using .xls vs .xlsx for their excel files....

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

Yes, the link works for me when I click on it.  I apologize it is not working for you.


Can you try this link:

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

@kgkg  and @cmcclellan  I apologize, here is the correct link that should work for you:

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

Hi everyone, 


I was able to download this old Excel file link by using the DownloadTool in Alteryx and adjusting the Payload settings in the configuration of the tool.  See the attached workflow but everything looks like it is running okay.  Thanks so much for the assistance!


9 - Comet
9 - Comet

@KGT  Those other links you attached are for the Federal Government's Exclusions Lists.  I am also using those files in my analysis as well.


Thanks so much for posting the links!



5 - Atom

hi , I am facing similar issue in downloading a file holds country and city list from github but couldnt find exact url, Please help  me 

19 - Altair

@pushpahpprivate repo or public repo?


I'd expect there's tons of documentation on this in stack overflow.
