Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Use of Alteryx on MacBook Pro with Parallels

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

Hi everyone,


I have a MacBook Pro computer and I am using Parallels to run my Windows machine.  Has anyone experienced any issues with running Alteryx on a Mac, using Parallels? Or is there anything I should be aware of with the installation?


Thanks in advance!



11 - Bolide


  1. System Requirements: Ensure that your Mac meets the system requirements for running Parallels and the Windows operating system that you plan to install. Additionally, verify that your Mac has sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, storage) to run both Parallels and Alteryx effectively.

  2. Parallels Installation: Install Parallels Desktop for Mac following the instructions provided by Parallels. Ensure that you allocate enough resources to the virtual machine running Windows to ensure smooth performance.

  3. Windows Installation: Install the version of Windows that is compatible with Alteryx and your specific requirements within the Parallels virtual machine. Follow the standard installation procedures for Windows.

  4. Alteryx Installation: Once your Windows virtual machine is set up and running, install Alteryx on the virtual machine, following the regular installation process for Windows. Ensure that you have a valid license or subscription for Alteryx.

  5. Performance Considerations: Keep in mind that running resource-intensive applications like Alteryx on a virtual machine can sometimes lead to performance differences compared to running them natively on a Windows machine. The performance will depend on various factors such as the hardware of your Mac, the allocated resources to the virtual machine, and the workload of Alteryx.

  6. Troubleshooting: If you encounter any issues specific to Alteryx within the Parallels virtual machine, it's recommended to reach out to Alteryx support for assistance. They will be better equipped to address any software-specific compatibility or performance issues.

It's also worth mentioning that you may consider exploring other alternatives like running Alteryx through cloud-based solutions or using native macOS applications that provide similar functionalities, depending on your specific requirements.

Remember to keep your Parallels, Windows, and Alteryx installations up to date to benefit from the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi everyone,


Regarding the same topic, I have successfully installed Alteryx Designer, etc. I can run my existing workflow, but when I try to edit, the program suddenly quit. Anyone know why? Thanks.

Dr. Nor Azizah Ali
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA.
@Faculty Advisory Committee Alteryx SparkED
6 - Meteoroid

Same thing has been happening to me for the past few months. I'm running Alteryx on Windows 11 Pro within Parallels 17 on a Mac Mini M1. Before that, I had no issues using Alteryx Designer.

6 - Meteoroid


I have tried with version 2022.3, it works well. There must be something need to configure in version 2023.1. Hope there is solution from the engineer soon. 🙏

Dr. Nor Azizah Ali
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA.
@Faculty Advisory Committee Alteryx SparkED
6 - Meteoroid

I am also experiencing the crash issue. Has anyone figured out a workaround? would uninstalling 2023.1 and installing 2022.3 help?

5 - Atom

Anyone figure out a solution? Facing same issue.


Using version 2023.2.1.7, Windows 11, Parallels 19. Keeps crashing when a browser is attached to a flow.  


Finally, has anyone opened a ticket with Parallels? 

6 - Meteoroid

So far I'm using version 2022.3, and it works well—no crash issue. Let's try it. 

Dr. Nor Azizah Ali
Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA.
@Faculty Advisory Committee Alteryx SparkED
5 - Atom

Spot on! Rolling back 2022.3 fixed all problems. Thanks for the guidance!

6 - Meteoroid

I managed to install but I'm getting an error when inputting yxdb files. It keeps saying it's no a yxdb when it clearly is. Not sure if it's because I downloaded from OneDrive. Has anyone encountered this problem? 
