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Use SQL query after data has been queried into Alteryx

5 - Atom



I am wondering if it is possible to use a SQL query after data has already been queried in. I need to bring two different sources in, join them, then use a SQL query on the joined data. I know SQL can be easily translated into alteryx tools but this an ETL query and is thousands of lines long so it is simply not feasible to spend hours translating it to alteryx, especially when I need to do this a few more times with different ETL queries.


Would a dynamic input be my best option in this case?


Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @kfishtd 


1) Your best option would be to use a dynamic input tool.


2) You can also check out Tanai's post on this community discussion.

You can run read the directory where the queries are located as .txt, then read all of them with dynamic input, after that send the query code to the batch macro, and it will replace for the statement of desired query.



Hope this helps. If it does, please like the post and mark it as a solution if it resolves your question.



5 - Atom

Thanks for this! Definitely helpful tho im not seeing how it can be used after a join tool?


Here is what I am trying to do if it helps:


