Currently my text input tool has 2 columns created, so my find & replace tool can locate the field and then replace a different field in excel.
I am running into an issue when I enter in my values for the text box, the tool is only able to read 1 value and replace's it in my output and duplicates it in the field I need to replace, instead of reading the first value and replacing it specified by the 2nd value
The Merging From column is what I am locating, the the Merging To column is what is replacing the value in the Notes column in the output.
Is there a way to replace one column, then replace the 2nd column so the find and replace tool can read the first values to replace the 2nd values in the field I have it specified too? Maybe, is there a way to split this into rows ?
no idea what you are saying, give simple example input and output please.
but I guess is related to the duplication after the second text to column tool maybe.
just split then join it later. the duplication will be missing by this way.
Thank you, this helped remove the duplicates, the only issue now is that when I run the App and try to update the Merging From & Merging to with the Text Box tool, it does not make any changes in my output.
It does not read it all, nothing populates in the [Merging To] portion of my Formula tool, this is where I need the find and replace to update this string.
"MERGED TO"+" "+[Merging to]+" COB"+" "+DateTimeFormat(DateTimeToday(),"%m/%d/%Y") +CharFromInt(10)+[Notes]
Thank you, this is getting me closer to the solution.
Now the next question is, if I wanted to enter multiple lines to make updates to multiple cusips, is there a way?
Currently when I enter multiple lines, it is only recognizing the last number I enter into the "merging to" section and duplicates for the "Notes".
I am trying to match the notes given the way it is listed in the "merging from" & "merging to"
my friend. did you try my method? i think it due to the duplication?
btw, it have error when only 1 line because in text input tool. it auto translate to double.
so, to settle this, better to forced datatype to v_string:forced to ensure it have no issue for both.
same to the find and replace. it also due to the datatype different.