Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Unable to open archive for unzipping when calling Macro. No error when not calling macro

8 - Asteroid

In WF A I am calling Macro B. In Macro B I am accessing a .txt file. When I run Macro B on its own i do not get any errors. When I call Macro B from WF A I get this error


Error: 112.36_CurrentPeriodCompletenessPopulation (14): Record #1: Tool #1: Unable to open archive for unzipping:09-27-2021.txt


Why would the file not be able to be opened from the parent WF when it can be from the Macro? 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think the error message is indicating that file is not accessible.

Is it open during you run the workflow?

Or you can upload it for us to check if you can?
