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Two different data source with same structure process

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone, 


I have two different data source both in excel  same structure (column) in one workflow. I did transformation for the first data source but not sure if it is possible to use same transformation on the same workflow. I just want to eliminate redundancy of the transformation.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Include your repeated process in a standard workflow should work.

8 - Asteroid

@Qiu  yeah basically it will just repeat the process but i want it all in one workflow like two different files will go into a filter tool and will filter that static column. so instead of having two copies of filter i will just have one.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

@Ultralightbeam, depending on the structure of your data, you might be able to add a "fileID" (perhaps enable the file name as field from the input tool), union the two files together, and run them through your workflow together. Many of the tools can handle grouping, so you'll want to group by fileID as much as possible. If this doesn't solve it, you might be able to create a batch macro of some sort. 
