I need help trying to print to multiple EXISTING Excel workbooks.
The existing workbooks share the same name as [ASSMNT]. They have an existing worksheet created (rendered) by another workflow.
I want to:
1) append a new sheet called "COMPARE" to add to each ASSMNT workbook. There are no spaces in [ASSMNT] (to include the workbook filenames). I replaced all spaces with "_".
2) be able to re-run the workflow and update the new COMPARE tables at a later time.
How should it be configured?
Images below represent my current (not working) configuration.
First of all you're replacing the entire filepath in the output, but you're only creating the filename and sheet name. So, either build the fullpath in the formula, or change the output option to Change File/Table Name.
I have since switched to the entire filepath:
Error: Output Data (82): Unable to Open archive for zipping: C:\Users\Steve\OneDrive\_staging\workbooks\assessments\.xlsx|||C__Users_Steve_OneDrive__staging_workbooks_assessments__TACOS.xlsx
Can't open file: C:\Users\Steve\OneDrive\_staging\workbooks\assessments\.xlsx|||C__Users_Steve_OneDrive__staging_workbooks_assessments__TACOS.xlsx: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (123)
The target Assessment is _TACOS.xlsx
@mceleaveyI copied the file extension from Windows Explorer (same as Finder)
Hi @hellyars
Possibility is your formula should FileAndSheet should be [ASSMNT]+".xlsx|||COMPARE"
If this is not the issue please provide more details.
Hi @hellyars ,
You have multiple files in one string, or the same one repeated multiple times:
This is probably due to a formula tool creating the string
Back to square 1. The formula tool is creating a string (file path) for all records. I want to group by ASSMNT and save that group to each existing workbook.
@atcodedog05 Reference original image. THat is how I had it. But that was also not working.