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Time Zone conversion

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I have a dataset in which the time stamp is in UTC. I want to convert it into CDT/CST (including the daylight saving time switches). I cannot use [DateTimetoLocal] function because our Alteryx server runs on GMT. If I use this function the the time stamp will get converted into GMT instead on CDT/CST.


How can I convert this time stamp in CDT/CST time, with taking into consideration of daylight saving?


I have attached a sample dataset to the question.


Help is much appreciated.


Thank you!

8 - Asteroid

Datetimetoday() function will return me UTC time, since this WF will run on server and the server is on UTC time

8 - Asteroid

@JonBCOKE : thanks for the comment. The issue is the WF is scheduled on server and the server hours are on UTC.


Thank you!

7 - Meteor

Sharing the same issue. Server runs on UTC time and I want to convert into UTC+2 during summer period and UTC+1 during winter. As mentioned earlier in the thread, a manual adjustment is not ideal since

  • requires manual maintenance
  • what if dates are changed?

What are the options?

8 - Asteroid

Hello @JonBCOKE , I get the time stamp in source file which is excel and it's in CST time stamp and i need to convert it to Signapore time zone considering the daylight save. is there a way to do it? Just FYI, the  time in file will always vary to the system time. So i can't use that one. is there a way we can say to the system the time is in CST time zone and need to convert it to Signapore?


Eg: Time zone format in the file: 13:00:00 (24 hour format)
