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Tableau Output Tool

9 - Comet

We are currently changing from the "Publish to Tableau Server" Tool to the new "Tableau Output Tool". Unfortunately this tool brings up a lot of issues. 
In one case a normal append to a Tableau Data Source works without any issues.

When we are trying to append data in another workflow we see the following error messages:

Tableau Output (81) Failed to save file at 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\TableauOutputToolDel20240306082721\...hyper
Tableau Output (81) Failed to append data to 'Datasource'.

Has anyone faced the same issue and has a resolution for this?
Tableau Tool version 1.4.0
Server and Designer version 2022.3

Thank you!



5 - Atom

I have been experiencing the same issues with this tool. If you come across any solutions, please let me know. 

7 - Meteor

Many ongoing issues... I was able successfully connect it and run with ONE output source after multiple attempts :). However, adding more than 2 outputs in the same workflow creates additional challenges. No solution at the moment and we are trying to engage Alteryx support team... I am using 2021.4.2 version of Alteryx and the latest "Tableau Output" v1.4.1


11 - Bolide

I developed my own macro. You can check it out here
