Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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TS forecasting of Revenue per Customer per Period

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,


I'm looking into having forecasting revenues per customer per period. I have a table constructed of 3 columns as input, the columns are : Customer (string), period(date) , amount (float). After the input block I added a select block to change the period format to be Date and after the select block, I added ETS block with the following configuration options : 




and then I added a TS Forecast block with the following options:



I get a non readable output. Please check the screenshot I added.


Any help please on this matter would be highly appreciated. I would also be open to any other model or block i can use to get the forecasted data i need.


Thank you

13 - Pulsar

Have you got any missing time periods? You can use the TS filler tool to check

13 - Pulsar

Also if you want to do it per customer (one model per customer) - look at the TS factory tools
