Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Split lines at 3 or more intersections

7 - Meteor

I have a combined road network that I need to split into individual segments at intersections.  How can I split at intersections that have 3 or more branches?  I tried Poly-Split->Regions but the resulting lines cross intersections.




12 - Quasar

@gcarmich I think I may be able to help you here on this one.

At what level are looking for these segments?


Is this what you mean?



Or, is this the level of segmentation you are needing?


In the interim, I think what'll be helpful is finding the lat/long of the intersection points. From here, you can append the list of lat/longs that make up your road network, and develop an iterative macro that checks the proximal distance of your points to the intersection point. From there, you'll be able to have a filtered list of what's reasonably within that segment. Afterwards, you can use a Poly-Build tool to create the polygon of the segment as the final stage of the iterative macro.

Hope that helps, or at least gets you thinking through the problem a bit more! I'll try to see if I can replicate from my end. :)

7 - Meteor

Thank you but I want to split the lines into individual line segments where they cross.  So that I end up with individual line segments that do not cross. 

Thank you,

