Hi all,
Is it possible to set up bulk data uploading to Snowflake when the AWS S3 I'm using is set up to be password-less? The s3 setup is not using access and secret keys for authentication, but rather roles and IAM privileges.
I am able to load data using the Stream-In DB tool, but I suspect that is not bulk uploading but rather row by row inserts.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi @akihirokomatsu ,
At this time Alteryx doesn't work with IAM roles but it has been submitted as an idea here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Ideas/RedShift-bulk-load-using-IAM-EC2-role/idi-p/... .
You could try creating a DSN-less connection string but you will need the help of your Snowflake DBA to administer it.
Thanks Tessa!