Need help with why my sum tool is not working correctly. I have attached export workflow, screenshoots sample data and output on final result cvs file.
At the beginning of the workflow if I change the field type for deposit to double or fix decimal it errors. If I replace null values with blanks for rent and or deposit the nulls appear again after the sum of data is not consolidating the data to a single row.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @sslattery17 ,
1st Question: Blanks are considered to be string data type hence when you convert it to double it will show as Null. Because Null is numeric blank value. If you want to appear it as blank you need to convert it to string.
2nd Question: Can you please elaborate more on sum function you are facing?
@sslattery17 Could you post the workflow again with dependencies? The attached workflow shows errors
@atcodedog05 is there a specific way to show the dependancies? I exported the workflow do I need to do something else? I have only been working with this tool a couple months.
The data is not summing and/or consolidating to 1 row.
For Emily Harkness it showes two rows instead of one with Sum Rent, Security Deposit, Trash Pest Carport Washer_Dryer, Package Smart, etc...look at unit 21 tenant Danielle Barber who has carport charges. In other workflows once I sum (total) all the categories; the final result shows 1 row. I have never had it no until this workflow and I cant figure out why.
The multiple lines should calculate and consolidate to one row as shown in the desired results cvs 8500-TX-TAA-data-scope(1) file. The file named 8500 is the sample data.
You can check dependencies through: Options->Advanced Options-> Workflow Dependencies
the workflow attached is missing the components
please re share the workflow
will be in better place to help.
@atcodedog05 If I have 2,3, or 4 rows for Unit 203, 204, etc and 11 columns of data; I need the rows to total for each column of data; Rent, Parking, Garage, Storage, etc. I am having the same issue with two workflows. I have I get different errors if I try and change string type early in the workflow; I get a formula error. Not sure best way to solve. The attached workflow and dataset I have to use the different schema name sheet info the one below just the sheet info macro...and didnt know if that had something to do with why the workflow is not summarizing.
etc. I have changed the string type I have used the summarization tool and I still cannot get the workflow to calculate total and display all on a single row.
@Raj @nagakavyasri @atcodedog05 I have attached the dependencies, workflow and sample data set. As shown in other screen shots I am unable to get a single row of by Unit # Property Tenant that calculates the sum in each column. I have this issue with two workflows.
@sslattery17 Sorry its still showing 'Missing Incoming Connection' as the dependencies are in your system. Can you share the Input data in a file which comes before the select tool?