I'm trying to extract a csv file from an SFTP folder using this link https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/File-Transfer-Protocol-FTP-Download... as a reference. However I'm getting an Error Transferring Data : Transferred a Partial File. File is still getting downloaded, however I want to use this as a macro.
The file sizes I am currently transferring ranges from 2-20KB.
Hi @CharlesCapuno07 ,
this could be a network or firewall issue.
It appears the transfer is initiated then terminated for whatever reason.
Can you manually transfer the files without problems? If so, does Alteryx need permissions to enable the transfer?
Does Alteryx have rights to write to the destination folder?
I am actually able to upload to SFTP using Alteryx. It's only this extract process that I am having issues with. Also, alteryx have rights to write. If I try to download one file it gets downloaded though the error still appears.
@CharlesCapuno07 , did you manage to figure out what was causing this error? For some reason, I am in a similar issue right now. I have other workflows running with the download tool that is not returning this error.
I had the same issue and it was solved by ensuring the path ends with a forward-slash "/" (I was working on UNIX paths).