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Runners, running runners....Issue with not waiting for completion of child runner

9 - Comet

Hi all, I'm using a series of joined conditional runner macros to orchestrate a process. 




Each of the runners is running a key subprocess via a yxmd that itself is a another series of conditional runners, and its each of these runners that run the workflows and key stages of the process as below.




What Im finding though, is that the primary runners are reporting completion nearly instantly, inspite of the fact that the secondary runner its tiggered, is still going through each of its motions. This triggers the next primary runner in the process to start before the process its dependent on that runs before it (whcih is supplying its data) has completed. At least this seems to be the case, as I am seeing the data for downstream processes show up before earlier dependent stages have written theirs. 


Do the runners not work this way or am I doing something wrong.


All help and chastisement gratefully appreciated.


Best, W


BTW...On the flip side i may have accidentally and finally found an interesting way to facilitate parralel running of workflows.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Sorry but the runners don't talk to each other. 

you may want to use batch macros and control execution through them.  You can also use a trick to put an append fields in front of the macro and summarize the output from its predecessor work. If you count the number of record output and connect that total to the append fields, this will cause the child not to run.  You can uncheck the appended field so that you don't carry that useless data. 




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9 - Comet

thanks mark, yes I had begun to resign myself to that conclusion and have since migrated to the bacth approach you suggested.


Thanks for confirming at least so i know I havent done somethign wrong.


best dubya
