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Replicating Python For Loop

10 - Fireball

Hi all,
I am trying to replicate the following functionality with alteryx:
column_list = pd.DataFrame(['Col1','Col2','Col3','Col4', 'Col5',

final_hr = pd.DataFrame()
for column in range(len(column_list)):

          #Drop rows containing NAN for column 'col4' for new merge
          hr_new.dropna(subset=[column_list.iloc[column,0]], inplace = True)

          #Creating a new column for merge

           #case folding

           #Merge data
          merged_data = pd.merge(hr_new, data, how='left', left_on='ID_final', right_on ='OtherID')

           #Concatinating all data together
            final_hr = final_hr.append(merged_data)

my thinking on the logic: For each iteration of the loop, it's taking each of the user ID fields(Col1 to Col 12) and writing that to the ID_final field. And then it tries to use that to join to "data". Then appends everything to final_hr dataframe.


What I have trouble replicating is the loop and writing that to an "ID_final" field , aswell as the  final_hr.append part, not sure what this is exactly doing.


Any help would be appreciated.

11 - Bolide


hi, I am not sure if I understood you correctly. Could you please share inputs and expected results?



Hi @wonka1234 - I think you may want to investigate Iterative Macros in Alteryx: 
