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Replace dash value but not -ve sign values within a field

5 - Atom

Hello. I have multiple fields in a dataset that have "-" as a value which I want to replace with a blank. However any replace function I try, it also replaces the -ve sign in the column. How can I avoid this? I only want to replace the entire dash value and retain the negative values. 

Attaching is a sample dataset. This is the regex function I tried but it replaces negative values as well:


REGEX_Replace([_CurrentField_], "\-", " ")

7 - Meteor

Using sheet 2 from the dummy data, you an use a select tool to convert the strings to double type. This will drop the - values and replace them with null while retaining the negative values.


Replace Dash Values.png

16 - Nebula

@Prajakta29 you can use replace tool
so in case you are not only restricted to numbers this will work perfect

16 - Nebula

@Prajakta29 find workflow attached for reference
mark done if solved.

5 - Atom

I won't be able to use this as I have multiple fields >200 that need to be updated
