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Removing special characters from field name

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,

I have this issue where I have to import a .csv file with a lot of quotation marks in it. All the field names have quotation around the actual names. I have no problems in getting rid of these when it comes to the field values. But when I want to remove the quotations from the field names themselves I have no luck.


I know I could use the Selection tool and then manually rename all the field names. However I have a lot of different field and would like to do this in a more effective manner.


For the fields themselves I used the Multi-Field Formula and typed "REGEX_Replace([_CurrentField_], '"', '')"


I tried doing the same for the field names: "REGEX_Replace([_CurrentFieldName_], '"', '')"

It had no effect.


Does anyone know how to guide me forward in this?


(Attached is a screenshot of some field names)


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @johannescruz 


Have you tried a simple "Replace" function in the Dynamic Rename tool? in this instance, where you are replacing quote marks, you don't need to use Regex_Replace, which is for pattern recognition. You could also try the ReplaceChar function.


Let me know if that helps.




5 - Atom

Thanks for replying!


I have tried both but with no luck.

The Dynamic Rename does not accept _CurrentFieldName_ but only fields themselves (variables).

And for the ReplaceChar function, I tried that one in a Multi-Field Formula. Unfortunately with no success.


I gladly receive all and any advice for this problem 🙂


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @johannescruz 


Make sure, in the Dynamic Rename tool, that you select the fields that you want to fix the names for. I've attached a picture of the configuration that worked for me. Under "Current Field" in the properties window/Variables, you should see [_CurrentField_] as an option. that's the one you need to use here rather than CurrentFieldName






5 - Atom

It seems I was too fast this time 😃


This worked great! Thanks a million!


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



So glad to help!!



