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RegEx Question

5 - Atom

Hi Alteryx Community!


I am currently using the following RegEx expression to extract only words. I.e. to take out groupings of words until the phrase hits a digit. (\D+)


Input: Example (Example) Text ($M) (7) 235,547 225,788 218,227 4 8


However, the RegEx doesn't work when there is an unwanted brackets number i.e. the (7)

Current Output: Assets Under Management (AUM) - average ($M) (


Desired Output: Assets Under Management (AUM) - average ($M)


I then use a Right & Length formula to extract the numbers from the cell.


Let me know if any of the above doesn't make sense and I can help clarify...thanks everyone!! (first time posting on alteryx community so super excited :D)



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @XxparsegodxX 


Your RegEx statement is working, in that it's stopping as soon as it finds a digit, which is after the open parenthesis.


Does the rest of your data follow the same pattern? That is, numbers in brackets followed by groups of numbers? If so, I'd use a Formula tool with the following 2 expressions:


First: Regex_Replace([TextField],"\d","") to replace all of the numbers with nothing


Then: Replace([TextField],"()","") to get rid of the empty parentheses.


A Data Cleansing tool can get rid of all of the extra spaces.


I'm sure there's a more elegant solution, but my travel-addled brain isn't coming up with one at the moment.


Let me know if that helps.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @XxparsegodxX ,


For that, I think you can use the following regular expression: ([^\d]+)\s.*?\d



Fernando Vizcaino


5 - Atom

Hi @fmvizcaino


This is just what I was looking for! Can you explain the logic please? I'm not great with regex and would love to learn

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Sure @XxparsegodxX !




\s.*     This means to identify an space followed by any character multiple times (in our case, it could be .{0,1} which means any character 0 or 1 time

?\d     Until it finds the first digit



Fernando Vizcaino
