Hi everyone. I have a workflow that has the Render Tool as the last output step, and within the same workflow, I set up a VBA macro to run on the Render Tool's output file.
The VBA macro script is written in Text Input Tool with a placeholder [filepath], as in:
Set zWorkBook = zExcelObject.Workbooks.Open("[filepath]\RenderOutput.xlsx")
, which will then be replaced using Find Replace Tool. Currently, the file name of the Render Tool's output is fixed as "RenderOutput.xlsx".
I wonder if there is a constant, like [Engine.WorkflowDirectory] & [Engine.WorkflowFileName], within Alteryx that I can use to feed the full path directly to the VBA script? or may be a solution to make the VBA script dynamic.
Hi @minh6990 ,
As you noted, you can refer to the contstants in the workflow.
So if you want to prepare the full path of the workflow, just add a Formula tool with expression
Full Path = [Engine.WorkflowDirectory] + [Engine.WorkflowFileName]
Am I ansdwering to your question?
(I am not sure, but I hope so.)
I am actually looking for the reference to the full path of the Render Tool's output file.
Full Path = [Engine.WorkflowDirectory] + [Engine.WorkflowFileName] refers to the full path of the Alteryx workflow file.
Hi @minh6990 ,
The output file path is what you can configure within Render Tool.
So I guess you can copy the same string to the VBA script.
Do you find any difficulties in doing so?