I have designed a simple flow that processes soccer game data with the R-tool to determine a top 10 standing. The R code I wrote works fine, but for some reason it outputs a column which contains string values as numbers (Double) instead.
Here's the output on Alteryx: And here's the output on my R IDE with the same code:
The code I wrote reads the data as a dataframe and loops through every row to calculate a certain score for the clubs in that match. The results are appended to a list called 'scores' which is then converted into a dataframe as output.
Any reason why Alteryx is giving me numerical 'club' output when it should be string values?
Here's the code if it helps:
data <- subset(read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame"), Seizoen == "2010-2011")
#calculate scores based on win/draft and append result to new list.
scores <- list();
for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
if(as.numeric(data[i, 5]) == as.numeric(data[i, 6])) {
scores[[(length(scores) + 1)]] <- list(club = data[i, 3],score = 1)
scores[[(length(scores) + 1)]] <- list(club = data[i, 4],score = 1)
else if(as.numeric(data[i, 5]) > as.numeric(data[i, 6])) {
scores[[(length(scores) + 1)]] <- list(club = data[i, 3],score = 3)
else if(as.numeric(data[i, 5]) < as.numeric(data[i, 6])) {
scores[[(length(scores) + 1)]] <- list(club = data[i, 4],score = 3)
#convert list into dataframe and clean up column names.
scores <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(scores), nrow=length(scores), byrow=TRUE))
colnames(scores)[1] = "club"
colnames(scores)[2] = "score"
#calculate a cumulative score grouped on club.
scores <- transform(scores, cumulatieve_score = ave(score,club,FUN=cumsum))
write.Alteryx(scores, 1)
Kind regards,
See the attached Alteryx file for a similiar flow with a small set of test data.
We have 7 rows of soccer match data. When a match is won the club is awarded 3 points and when the match ends as a draw both clubs are awarded 1 point.
R indexes columns starting from 1 so:
data[i, 3] = Home_club
data[i, 4] = Out_club
data[i, 5] = Home_score
data[i, 6] = Out_score
index 3 and 4 are appended under "club" and are shown correctly when run in R, but in alteryx it returns a numeric value as described in my original post.
Hope this helps