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R Tool Spatial Objects Input Question

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I am using the R tool to create an interactive leaflet HTML map output. I am able to plot points that are coming in with lat / long but I want to supplement this with some additional spatial objects. 


The spatial objects are in the workflow, originally a MapInfo MIF file. The only information I can find online is reading the data into the R tool using mode = "list". I don't know how to handle plotting this from a list, a browse on an output confirms data is stored as a list (class()) and on another output presented as a table (with the spatial object present). 

Is there a way to read the spatial object into the R tool in a format that can be further used?


Thank you

5 - Atom

What's confusing me, is trying to coerce to another format and it says SpatialLines (from sp) can't be coerced, but trying to plot (which Leaflet would plot natively), doesn't work as it throws the "Don't know how to get path data from object of class list" error..

5 - Atom

Alternatively, do we know what function read.alteryx uses when mode = list? Does it check and detect a spatial objects data?
