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R Error "Error in loadNamespace(name) : object 'pkgInfo' not found"

5 - Atom



I'm trying to use ARIMA and ETS tools from Time Series, but i getting this output error:


Error: ARIMA (9): ARIMA: Error in loadNamespace(name) : object 'pkgInfo' not found

Error: ARIMA (9): ARIMA: Execution halted


My R is running on 3.6.3 version, and it is installed in Alteryx folder. Maybe this error are ocurring beacuse R is not installed properly?

8 - Asteroid

If you go to "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\R-X.X.X\bin\R.exe" and run the R.exe, you should be able to run install.packages("pkgInfo"), and select pretty much any CRAN mirror. You may get an answer if it errors trying to install that. If it still doesn't work after that you can try to run update.packages() and cycle through saying yes on everything. Otherwise, you may just want to go for a fresh install.
