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Publish to Tableau server with nested projects

5 - Atom



I have a requirement wherein I need to directly publish a data source from the data stream in alteryx to the tableau server. The challenge is I have nested projects and the names of subfolders in all the main folders is same. For example, the folder structure goes like this:

ABC - Data Sources

XYZ - Data Sources

ZZZ - Data Sources


When I try selecting a project using Publish to Tableau server tool in alteryx the project list is - ABC, XYZ, ZZZ, Data Sources, Data Sources, Data Sources. I have no way of knowing to which main Project each Data Source belongs to. 


Is there any way where I can establish a hierarchy of folders to correctly upload the data source?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


11 - Bolide

I've experienced this before.  Unfortunately, I haven't found a reliable way to determine which folder belongs to each parent.  My workaround was basically 'brute forcing' an upload to each, one at a time, until I found the right one.  It's inconvenient, for sure.
