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Practical Alteryx Worflow Example Files for Stock Market Data Models




I am looking for Practical Examples of Alteryx Workflows Files specially related to the Stock Markets or Financial Sector.


I have tried looking for them in this location -


And filtered the results for Finance Sector and I found a few good examples. But unfortunately the Actual Alteryx Workflow files are not attached and only a few snapshots and pdf files etc are shared there.


Can someone please suggest any source where I can actually see the Workflow Files and go through each individual tool settings and configurations etc. to learn the practical user case scenarios, related to the Stock Markets Data ETL Processes? I am looking for the Actual Workflow Files itself and not just the theory parts.


Any Data Warehouse or Data Models, where someone is accessing the data files of different types and importing all of them into the workflow and then processing them to prepare the data and then feeding them into database tables etc. will give me the insights which are needed for my stock market analysis work.


I am also looking for the Best Practices or point to keep in mind, while designing such workflows. So any templates in this regards, will be very helpful, instead of building every thing up from the scratch.


Where do I search for such practical example workflow files, what search terms to use? Please post any links that you are aware of in this regards.


Thanks a lot



Hi @StockMarket 


Usually the WFs are not published due to rights and confidentiality.


I can share something that I worked on a long time ago. I attached one example for you regarding stock market, this WF below goes to Yahoo Finance and downloads the Stock Price for the selected stocks on the selected day.




Hi @pedrodrfaria 


Thank you for the Workflow.


I understand your point about rights and confidentiality, because of which the workflows might not be shared in those links given in the "USE CASES segment".


But I do not think that there would be no place on the internet, where some of such Practical Workflow Examples would not be available at all. I think I am not being able to search properly and in the right place for them.


Even Alteryx themselves might have posted some sample workflows somewhere, which includes all the basic steps of "accessing the data files of different types and importing all of them into the workflow and then processing them to prepare the data and then feeding them into database tables etc". Because this is such a common user case scenario.


And if Alteryx haven't posted such workflows for any reason, then some USERS might have definitely posted them, either on this forum, or on their personal blogs etc.


If any one has seen such workflows, then please do share those links. I am fine even if the workflows are not directly related to the stock markets, but they should have all the basic steps of ETL Process Workflows in them.


Or if there are any other ways to find out the Best Practices for designing ETL Workflows where you have to collect and process the data from many different sources and then merge that all into Big Tables in the Database?


Any input is deeply appreciated. Please do not say such workflow example files could not be found on the internet!


Thanks and Best Regards

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @StockMarket ,


you will find on the Designer under help-> Sample Workflows -> Start Here -> Workflows -> Convert stock info from XML....


On that section of sample worklfows you will also find some predictive example if needed.


On the other hand, if you want something more specific like downloading throgh api info and then having it analized then I may be able to share with you something.




Thanks for the suggestion @afv2688 


Please do share ANY Workflow Examples that you might have in this regards. I am new to Alteryx and I will definitely be able to learn some good practices from those workflows.


Thanks and Regards

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @StockMarket,


Here is a little example. Using quandl I am able to download the data to make a report or to create a forecast based on closing value.


Hope it helps.


