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Passed Core Exam!


Hi everyone!


After a few attempts at the first exam - i.e. the "Alteryx Core Certification" - I passed with a score of 90.7% last night!


My advice to others is to stay persistent and never let failure prevent you from retrying, finding out where (in which areas) you need to work to improve (if you do not pass the exam), and learn the "Nooks and Crannies" of Alteryx as you proceed in your certifications.


Before last night's attempt, my scores averaged around 69.2% and stagnated at that percentage until I continuously looked to see where I was having trouble. I also kept on revisiting the Documentation Page and making notes of the 'Nooks and Crannies' of the various tools.


Hope this helps and best of luck to all of you!




Hi @dondapati,


Thank you for your compliments! I very much appreciate that and your trust in me!


What I suggest you do is open the Alteryx program and go through the tool families - meaning categories of different tools. (Specifically, I would go through the different tools in the Preparation, Join, Parse, Transform and Interface families, as the tools within these families are a big weightage in this exam.)


To quickly learn these tools and how to configue/program them, you can click on each tool within the various families (once) and choose "Open Example." Once you do this, you can see the input data and simulate different outputs; there is also a paragraph description on how a tool is configured in different situations, next to each tool.


Please let me know if I can assist you in any other way!


Good luck!


Very best,



Really this is great resource to me,preparing to the exam



Thankyou @dchandra.


Hi @dondapati!


Happy to help! Please let me know if I can help you further - I will be glad to when I get time.


Very best,


Hi @dchandra,


I am writing to you to check if you can advice how I can get the practical questions correct in the designor core exams. I am getting stuck in the 70's and I know that I am unable to crack the practical 3 pointer questions. I need some help in how to get the 3 pointers correct. Thanks!


Hello @shomear1807,


I also struggled with the practical application questions, as I too had low scores in that area, until I passed the exam.


To best tackle those practical application questions, I would do the following:


  • Use process of elimination to see which workflows will not give the output since these questions are Select all that apply. Since time is of the essence on this exam, anyone most likely will not find the time to go one-by-one on the workflows and see which ones do work. (So, once you eliminate/knock out which ones will not work, the remaining ones will work.)


  • Keep in mind that workflows with fewer tools may often yield the desired output, as the "KISS" method often worked in designing things -> "KISS" stands for "Keep it simple and stupid" -> I learned this when I was an engineer (mechanical).


  • Spend about 30 to 45 seconds to figure out (mentally, or on paper) just two ways you can get to the desired output in the exam question, and then see which workflows of the choices given will work.


I hope this helps, as I did the above three things that helped me increase my scores, to a passing score of 90.7% about a month and a half ago!


Take care and please let me know how else I may be of help to you!


Very best,



Hi @wenjuanchen,


Thanks a million! Best of luck to you!






My Congratulations

I wish passing the exam

Can you give me your advice 

How can I pass it easily

Any materials or files to read 

How can I practice

Give me yourrrrrrrrrrrr advises


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Aboud - 


The biggest recommendation I can give is to review the Prep Guide that is available when you register for the exam - it really is helpful (


The biggest challenge with the Certification Exams is that they test not just the depth of your knowledge, but also the breadth. Because Alteryx is such a powerful tool, this means there is a lot being evaluated. Moreover, most things in Alteryx have more than one approach to solving them, and the exam will ask you to identify all solutions that will solve the problem - so its important to have a good grip on not just one way to do something, but multiple in some situations.


That said, you get 2 hours and you can use Alteryx to do the exercises as a follow-along. I recommend not closing anything else out, as some questions have nuance-likeness components to them where you can rely on work you did from a previous question to solve another. Prepare, then take the exam - it doesn't hurt to go through it once and fail. The example questions give a reasonably good idea, but if you don't pass the first time, don't get discouraged!




where is the notes attached in your message?

