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Output display issue from Gallery execution

8 - Asteroid

i am using Anlytical app which calls a macro. Analytical app has 2 outputs and it is working fine and Displaying OUTPUT FILES when we run as a Analytical app form the Designer.  If we run same from the Private Gallery,  it is not Displaying OUTPUT  files, Please let me know, how to fix the issue.

8 - Asteroid

Changed to Relative path and tried , but still not getting. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @arkimp 


In that case i'm stumped, I've just built and tested an app on our Gallery to make sure i'm not missing anything obvious and it's working as expected.


If i think of anything else i'll drop you a message, otherwise sorry i couldn't be of more help!

8 - Asteroid

can you please share the app which you tested. I will run the same from my Gallery and check whether it is working or not. 

13 - Pulsar

Hi @arkimp 


Sure, here you go - it's a very simple one but testing the output is there. Let me know how it goes.

8 - Asteroid

When i select output files which are there in inside the Macro, those were displaying in Gallery Output. But,  Output files which are there outside Macro were not displaying in Gallery output. 
