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Outlook Voting Button - Can Alteryx Add This to Emails?

8 - Asteroid

Is it possible to include the Outlook "Use Voting Buttons" feature from Outlook in Alteryx? If so, how?


I have looked through the ->Reporting->Email tool but that only allows the basic information for an email. For example, to/from/subject/attachments/body....but I am wondering how we would include other features from Outlook email, specifically the voting buttons.


Essentially, I want Alteryx to send out an email and receive a voting response. 



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@Brian_Stoffel ,


This is not currently an option in Alteryx. The Email tool does not use any Outlook functionality. It uses a SMTP server to send out the emails through the tool. You can certainly request this type of feature in the Designer Ideas. However, this functionality would need a lot of traction for us to consider adding similar functionality as an email platform since this is not a typical use case for Alteryx. You may be better off using the email tool to send a survey monkey link or something similar.
