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No Data on Excel Tab

7 - Meteor



I currently have a workflow in process, and need help with a certain step.


To break it down, there is an excel file that I am receiving my data from. On this file, there are 7 different tabs with data. These 7 tabs of data are changes in employees records, whether that is their address, job change, etc... These spit out to many different PDFs per the employee's pay group. To give an example of how I import my data, please see below for one of the 7 chains:


I have no come across the question, can it still run if there is no data on one of the tabs. So I deleted all of the data off 1 of the tabs and there was an error instantly. Below is the error...




My question is, is there a tool that I can use that will continue the workflow even if there is no data on a certain tab?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Maybe someone has a better idea, but I would use a UNION to add a dummy row and then filter it out when it's no longer needed. You set up the dummy input to have any columns that might be needed by downstream tools. This way you don't have to worry about any downstream tools that might choke on not having any data or missing required columns.


