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MySQL ODBC Connector error on update

8 - Asteroid

I'm getting an error "Output Data (3)    DataWrap2ODBC:  UPDATE XXX on record 1" when attempting to update records in a database. I've done some troubleshooting and this only appears to happen on updates, not inserts, but may happen on any record in my update set or may not happen at all. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas of things to try to fix it? The error doesn't seem to be connected to the specific data being sent as I've had a specifc record both fail and correctly update.

8 - Asteroid

This error is thrown if a row is updated with the same value it already has.

5 - Atom

I have the same issue using update/insert if new into a mysql DB - how can this be avoided? I assume since it throws an error the process stops there, correct? 

8 - Asteroid

Yes, the process stops on whichever record fails. For anywhere I'm doing an update I've started adding fields for original values of each field that I'm updating, then I add a filter that drops all the records where original value = new value for every field. If at least one field has a new value the update seems to work.


