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Multiple Sheets in one file using Analytic Apps

5 - Atom



I am creating a workflow for my coworkers and I want to them to be able to choose the initial file they want to process and then choose the folder where the final file can be stored. I have configured the workflow to ask them which file they'd like to process but I can't get the two outputs to save onto a single file with two tabs. I want one tab to be called "Upload" and the other to be called "Summary" and their file path dependent on where my coworker choose to save the file. I've read online that if this is published to the Alteryx gallery that folder browse wouldn't work so I'm trying to get it to work with file browse but I can't figure out how to get it to work.


I can't post the full workflow because it won't work without an input file and my input contains sensitive data but hopefully this capture can help understand my workflow


20 - Arcturus

@KevinCosper You are trying to write the layout output to the output tool as excel file, which will not give you the expected result because layout output is not a text output, instead it is html, so you should use the render tool if your data in the table/layout tool. Also try to create the summary and upload output from the render tool instead of the output tool

5 - Atom

@binuacs I have attached the render tool to the last vertical layout tool and when I run the application I do get my summary page as an excel document. Formatting of the layout isn't my issue but I thank you for your advise! My issue is getting the output onto the same file for my summary and my upload file. I'd like an end user to choose a folder path where the two outputs can be saved and after choosing the folder path it would save as whatever name they choose and the tabs would read "summary" and "upload". I believe the help I need comes from how to configure either folder browse or some other analytic app. Any advise is appreciated!
