Hi @Georgia_H
I don't know the specifications of your using API, so it's hard for me to answer accuracy.
But do you set the headers or body correctly in the Download tool as well as the PostMan?
In my experience, the API key was often set in the header.
Hello, i have no issue reading in the .JSON files output from Postman using Files in from Alteryx. But this is not what i want to achieve.
I want to directly call the API URL from Alteryx and download the files so that I can massage them before writing into my reporting database.
My concern is why am i not able to retrieve data out from download tool. I have attached the screenshots for your reference. Please let me know what else you need from me. API key was set in the Text_Input tool. Thanks in advance.
Do you have the screenshot of Download tool's output?
I want to check the Download Header's error. It is needed to know the cause of the error.
I think that the Download tool setting is no problem.
Which tools does this error output?
I am getting a new error now after trial and error. I suspect the TextToColumn tool and JSON Parse tool are causing the issues. What could be the issue?
I think the problem is on the API side, because you got the "Internal Server Error".
Have you changed the settings of the download tool?
One problem I have had is that Postman automatically can create the headers and within that header the is usually an Authentication method or an Accept method.
Alteryx doesn't appear to be able to automatically figure that out. What I do is is look at postman for an Authentication header and it should have a Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(assuming you are using Basic auth.
I hope this helps.
Hi Seth,
From Postman, under the Authorization tab, I could only see below: Type: "Inherit auth from parent"
What should I fill up under Headers in Alteryx Download tool? Thanks in advance.