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Malformed IF statement when I add ENDIF

5 - Atom


Can someone help me understand why when I add the ENDIF to the end of my statement, everything following the 2 then 'Plan 2 activation date' "etc... become unhighlighted. I then see the parse error at char(153): Malformed If statement. Oddly enough, when I remove the ENDIF the entire conditional function is highlighted, but of course, it can't perform if it doesn't have an ENDIF for an IF ELSE function.


I have tried using both the formula & filter tool to perform this.


IF [Red_flag] = 'Y' then 'Red_flag Activation'
ELSEIF [AC_Min] = 1 then 'Plan 1 Activation Date'
elseif [AC_Min] = 2 then 'Plan 2 Activation Date'
ELSE ToString([PLAN_id]) ENDIF


17 - Castor

Hey @Dcaston, the syntax of your statement looks fine so it’s likely that the data type of your [AC_Min] field is a string, but you’re treating it as a number I.e. you haven’t wrapped it in quotes. You can either change the data type of the field to numeric using a select tool or just place quotation marks around the number eg [AC_Min] = ‘2’.

16 - Nebula

Hi @Dcaston 


The AC_Min field on your workflow is being interpreted as a string field, so or you put the numbers between quotes on your formula ([AC_Min] = '1'), or you transform the field into a numeric field with the select tool.




19 - Altair

the error is occurring at 153 - if this was related to AC_MIN being a string - the error would be at 114. Your statement is running fine on 21.4. I'd check for the following:

1) Are all of your fields separated by a space from the boolean terms/operators?

2) What happens if you swap elseif to ELSEIF


Basically try cutting and pasting into formula tool what you posted here.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @Dcaston,


All the replies from @DataNath@Felipe_Ribeir0 and @apathetichell should help you debug your nested IF formula just fine. 😊 I just thought to also share a great alternative formula that would help you simplify complex nested IF formulas in future.


This will definitely be dependent on your own preference, but I personally like using the IIF conditional statement instead. You can nest another IIF statement as a replacement for y, and just like that you remove the need, and more importantly any possible typos for "THEN", "ELSE", "ENDIF" etc. 😎


IIF(bool, x, y): Returns x if bool is true, else returns y.

