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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Macro configuration error when encrypted

6 - Meteoroid



I've encrypted my macro, but now I can't use its configuration (i.e. the drop down boxes are not being populated).


I've attached workflows & the macros in question, along with some images of the issue.


Is there a possible workaround / setting so the encrypted macro config can be accessed properly?


Thanks in advance 🙂




PS: my actual macro is much more complex than this basic example, but the issue is the same!

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @RFender 


Check out the solution in this post.  The key phrase here seems to be


The encrypted macro is a limitation of the encryption process. Alteryx only decrypts macros at runtime i.e. when you press the run button and because of that the fields don’t get populated. 


At design time, the macro is still encrypted so the interface tools can't read the metadata of the input to fill the dropdowns


His solution was to separate the macro in 2, with the user interface tools in an outer unencrypted macro and the logic in the inner encrypted one.




6 - Meteoroid

Hi Dan, I think this should work with a bit of re-jigging to my macro.


Thanks for the support.



