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Login Failed

5 - Atom



Hope you are doing well, I am having difficulty using the email tool. If I use it then it fails to run and says "Login Denied", however if my co-worker uses their information with the exact same settings then it works. My question is, what else can I check to get this working? If it works for my college (remoted onto my PC) with only changing the login details from mine to his. Then it makes be believe it is a simple account access or permission I am not yet aware off. Any information required please let me know and thank you in advance for all the help. 


Kind Regards




Is your coworker connected to their VPN or onsite while attempting this? This could be a network specific restriction. 

5 - Atom

They are onsite while attempting this. The function does work when another coworker uses their credentials. We are unable to find any difference in the accounts. 

Thank you for the swift response :) 


Have you confirmed that both user accounts allow for SMTP auth? If their credentials do work and yours do not and you are 100% sure that your credentials are correct it would appear that you may not have SMTP permissions. 

5 - Atom

How would I confirm that? It works for user1 but not for user2. So I presume you are referring to an account setting? Would this be on the user account (windows) or the alteryx account? 


This would be separate from Alteryx. If you are getting a login denied this is referring to the credentials being used with the SMTP server (your email that isn't working). That message is actually coming directly from your SMTP server so it is possible that your SMTP admin has not allowed for your email address to be used with SMTP. 

5 - Atom



I was convinced that would be it as the user in question did not have the SMTP auth enabled. I have since enabled it and completed a restart but no change. 

We then updated the port to be 25 and unticked the SMTP Auth requirement. We now get a "Record#1: Failed to send to one or more recipients." Please advise. 



That "Failed to send" message is expected if your SMTP server requires SMTP Authentication. When your coworker tries it, do you both have emails from the same domain? Are you swapping out both the From and To? 


Also, I believe that the port for Office365 SMTP is 587 and should use the STARTTLS option. 


Do you have MFA also enabled by chance? If you do and your coworker does not that could also explain it. 


It sounds like it may be worth opening up a support case for this one so the team could look into it further: 
