Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Loading of ALL the tables in the entire Oracle Database is an overkill in the Input Tool

8 - Asteroid



I'm using the latest Alteryx Designer version 2021.1. When I drag an Input Tool, before I can proceed with anything, it asks me to choose a pre-saved, named, data connection from the Gallery. This named connection is pre-configured with a USERNAME, target SCHEMA NAME to connect to, with a PASSWORD. This is also known as a PROXY CONNECT method as follows:-




Once I have selected a named, data connection, the assumption is that in the next screen, if I click on the Tables button, that it would ONLY load the tables inside that target SCHEMA_NAME and not take 10 mins to load thousands of tables that exist in the entire Oracle Database, some of them I would not have access to even connect to, so then why load and make us wait for that long?


The same thing should apply WITHOUT a PROXY CONNECT method. For instance, if a saved, data connection only has a USERNAME and PASSWORD, it means the user would like to strictly connect to their own personal schema.


Again, when this connection is chosen, the Tables button should strictly ONLY load the tables that exist in this personal schema by the name of that USERNAME and no need to load thousands of tables that exist in the entire Oracle Database.


I know the workaround would be to select SQL Editor to open by default which is what I'm currently using but seriously, this has to be fixed as the performance hit and showing of table names for which a user may not even have access to connect to is not good.


Also, could an Alteryx Developer who has worked on this feature tell me exactly which metadata table/view does the code query in order to load ALL the tables in that screen when we click on Tables button at the top?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @sameerpremji 


We all feel your pain.  The situation is even worse when trying to bring up the list of stored procedures.  However, this particular forum may not be the best place to ask this question.  We're almost all users such as yourself.  Since this is a change that you'd like to see in the existing application, you're more likely to have the developers take notice of it if you post in the Ideas forum.  That location is regularly scanned by the Alteryx product development team.



8 - Asteroid

Thanks, I have posted this as an idea here. Please vote up!
