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List box / macro input?

11 - Bolide

**Replacing my original question**

I'm setting up the macro input to feed a listbox, so when I use my macro I can choose which fields to push through it (like how the Imputation tool interface works). I save my macro which runs fine in testing, but when I put it in a workflow the configuration gives me this ""no MetaInfo for the input "Question". ToolID=32 is the "Zscore Input" macro input tool. What is causing that tool to throw an error when the macro is put into another workflow?






11 - Bolide

**deleting this reply**

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @mst3k 


I've noticed that Questions can sometimes be missing from the workflow XML causing various runtime errors.  What I've done in the past is add a new Interface tool of the proper type and duplicate the configuration of the tool in error and the related Action tools as well.   Connect the new tool to all other tools one connection at a time.  Once the new one is completely configured and connected, delete the original. 


Hope this helps 


