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Legend Splitter - Calculations From Theme Bands?

10 - Fireball

Hi Everyone,


I am customizing a legend using the legend splitter which is downstream of a Report Map tool. In the Report Map tool I selected Equal Ranges, and my legend has bands that have decimals in it, which is inappropriate because I am counting units per area and parcels per area. What I would like to do is take the "ThemeBandTo" and "ThemeBandFrom" fields, convert them to a numerical format, round to zero decimal points, convert them back to text, and then create custom labels for my legend incorporating these two values.


What I am finding is that I am able to convert these fields to numerical (I tried int first, then tried double), but I am not able to manipulate these numbers in any way (the calculations return null values), convert them back to text (the nulls drop out), and have them reincorporated into custom labels. Does anyone have a fix or a workaround for this? 


I'm running version 11.3.

10 - Fireball

I solved my own issue -- this was being confounded by a calculation I was using as well (it was tripped up by the calculation having decimals in it -- I wanted to be super precise in a conversion to square miles from the distance I chose). Converting to int using select tool works well to clip off the decimals, then calculation to convert to sq mi using formula tool, converting the values back to strings with select tool (which preserves only the integer at that point), creating labels based on these string values with a formula tool worked just fine. For some reason however, using other numerical formats did not work.
