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Json file is Parsed and Transpose - Transpose loses the order of the field

8 - Asteroid



I am doing a POC on Json file and Parsing capabilities of Alteryx . I have built a Json file and i parsed it and Crosstab it immeditely. When i cross checked the input and the Crosstab output, i could see the order in which field are got in Crosstab is not in correct order. Please help me to solve this issue of how to Parse a Json file and get the same order as input json.



12 - Quasar

The effect of transposing will generally alphabetize your fields.  If you want to enforce aparticular order, I'd appened a numeric to the beginning of your field names prior to the transpose to make sure that happens.

8 - Asteroid

i have appended numeric before the transpose tool. but when i do a transpose still i lose the original order . 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Have attached a demo doing what @dataMack based off the Quandl API.


You transpose using the column id and then use a dynamic rename to repair to column names.
