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Journal entry analytical app

5 - Atom

I have prepared journal entry analytical app which has many tests. one of the test is amount greater than ... this could be any amount, the auditors while runing the app they should get a box or to show an option to choose the specific column >1000, >5000 or greater than any amount.

in the filter, i can put only one figure as you can see in the workflow.


I need help in this regard.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


If you want to select from multiple option, you better to use Drop Down or List Box instead of Radio Button.


5 - Atom

I solved it, better to use check box if you want to choose more than one option from the list but if you want to choose only one then use radio button.

Then make the output as container and connect the container with the action of your checkbox or radio button.
